How To Get on the For You Page on TikTok as a Business

Dec 12, 2023

How To Get on the For You Page on TikTok—Strategies for Businesses

Every TikTok creator and business owner wants to appear on the For You page of as many users as possible—it is one of the best ways to grow followers and expand brand awareness. The burning question ishow to get on the For You page on TikTok as a brand, with such huge competition and the ever-rising number of TikTok users?For business owners and marketing professionals, creating videos with the For You page in mind is a great strategic approach for boosting engagement, growing followers, and increasing profits for your brand. Although there is no one-size-fits-all solution for getting on the TikTok For You page, there are many strategies that can improve your chances.

What Is the For You Page on TikTok?

The For You page (FYP) is, essentially, TikTok’s homepage. The FYP is where recommendations and relevant viral videos are found. TikTok uses an algorithm that curates and distributes videos based on the following factors:

  1. User interactions—What a user likes, shares, and comments on matters. It is also important what accounts they follow
  2. Video information—The algorithm promotes videos containing captions, sounds, and hashtags a user usually interacts with
  3. Device and account settings—A user’s language preference, current location, and device type play a role as well

The algorithm also makes a difference between a strong indicator of interest—a user watches a longer video from beginning to end—and a weak indicator of interest—the video’s viewer and creator are in the same country.It is important to note that the recommendation system is based on the content users might like based on their engagement and interactions on TikTok, not on the history of high-performing content or follower count. This gives all creators a fair chance.More interaction with videos means better and more precise recommendations. Users can also choose the “not interested” option for the content they do not want to appear on their FYP in the future.

Why a Brand Should Optimize Content for the For You Page

Getting on the FYP means a brand has created content that resonates well with its target audience. Here is why brands should aim for this and what it means for business:

  • Exposure—Watching videos on FYP is how most TikTok users discover new content. If your content performs well, the algorithm will recommend it to more and more people. It's an incredible opportunity for exposure that doesn’t require spending any money on advertising
  • Brand recognition and revenue—Once your brand's content is shared with a broader audience, new followers and potential customers will flock to your account. This eventually leads to more sales and an increased revenue
  • Expansion—The TikTok spotlight on a brand can also be used to expand to other platforms and attract followers and engagement from one platform to the other

Why Is My Brand’s Content Not on the For You Page on TikTok?

Source: JESHOOTS.COMThere are several reasons that may affect your brand’s presence on the FYP. If you have a TikTok for Business account (or open the Creator tools in a regular account), you have access to analytics and can see the FYP ratio for any video. If that ratio is low, it could be for one of the following reasons:ReasonExplanationThe videos are not hitting the metricsThe viewers are not:

  • Watching the videos from beginning to end
  • Sharing the videos
  • Tagging other users

The profile has a limitation

  • Any type of violation
  • Mass deletion of content
  • Copyright issues
  • Numerous reports by other users

There are dedication issues

  • User’s lack of consistency
  • Too few posts

There are restricted elements in a video

  • Banned hashtags
  • Copyrighted audio
  • Keywords that TikTok does not support

Tips on How To Get on the FYP on TikTok

Even though top influencers, like Addison Rae Easterling and Charli D’Amelio, make it look easy, becoming TikTok famous and getting on the For You page usually takes some strategizing.If your content is not making it to the FYP on TikTok despite all efforts, try to get rid of that bad juju by adjusting your TikTok strategy.

Analyze Your Top-Performing Videos

It is vital to figure out what made those successful videos on your brand’s profile stand out. Using the winning elements and making similar videos to get the profile back on track might do the trick.

Encourage Audience Participation

This can include all types of engagement, but asking viewers to share your content could be the first item to focus on. Next to re-watching and watching times, sharing a video carries a significant impact on TikTok metrics. Prompt viewers to share by using text bubbles, for example.

Grab Your Audience’s Attention From the Get-Go

Kicking your video off with a bang or letting the audience know what to expect at the beginning of the video is important if you want the viewers to stay. This will keep them invested until the end instead of skipping to the following video, and it can improve the overall performance of your content.

Change Your Approach to Hashtags

Using the same hashtags over and over again will not take your content far. The videos will be shown to the same group of accounts, and that will hinder your chances to reach new audiences. Mixing it up with hashtags can be a powerful tool to get on the For You page on TikTok. Checking out the trending music and hashtags is helpful, but they may not be related to your content at all. Trending hashtags are only hot for a week or so, and using them longer might not be doing the video any favors.

Source: TikTok

Create Quality Videos

High-quality videos bring in higher completion rates, and viewers are more likely to share them. They are also more likely to comment and re-watch your video instead of moving on. Ensuring videos are not blurry, out of focus, or grainy is a top priority (unless it's a part of some artsy filter or effect), and for that, you may have to invest in good equipment. Experimenting with filters and transitions can also make videos more exciting and keep people engaged.

Pick the Right Time To Post

Posting a video at the right time to maximize engagement is crucial for ending up on the FYP on TikTok. Ideally, the content should be posted when the brand’s target audience is online to reach more viewers.Strong initial performance is favored by the FYP algorithm, and you should analyze and plan ahead to secure a strong start. The best time to post on TikTok is not universal since it depends on location, target audience, and other factors. You can gain valuable insights by using the Analytics option under Creator tools.

Work With Influencers

Using influencer marketing on TikTok can be a powerful way of attracting viewers, promoting your brand, and getting on the FYP. Depending on the target audience, collaborating with the right influencers (especially those successful enough to get on the Creator Fund) can draw more attention to your brand and significantly increase your following.

Handling TikTok Metrics Is Hard Work—No Need To Do It on Your Own

More and more businesses are paving their own paths on TikTok, and while it may seem simple at first, managing an account on this platform can become time-consuming fast. A brand needs to invest a lot of resources to get on the For You page on TikTok. Considering the ever-changing nature of social media, creating top-notch campaigns and succeeding on TikTok is not easy and requires in-depth analysis and expert execution, which may prove challenging even if a company has a dedicated social media team.

An Innovative Social Media Agency

Kubbco is a team made of experts in social media strategy, content production, and paid campaigns. We have extensive experience managing brand accounts on all social media platforms, with a special focus on TikTok.Kubbco’s experts first analyze your brand, the market, and your competitors to create a custom-made strategy. Then, we take over building better brand awareness with a team of content creators and account managers. We can also create paid social media campaigns to reach your target audience faster while constantly monitoring the performance metrics to ensure your expectations are met and exceeded.As we live and breathe social media and stay current with (or even anticipate!) new trends, we offer an unparalleled approach for companies looking to grow their TikTok presence.Kubbco can bring your brand:

  1. An innovative and impactful TikTok strategy
  2. Comprehensive management of your brand’s account and guaranteed growth
  3. Original and custom-made content of the highest quality—from videos and photography to graphic design and written content
  4. Paid social media for more reach and engagement

The Kubbco team loves to share the insights and knowledge we have accumulated over the years in social media marketing. Sign up for our newsletter and get the latest scoop on all things TikTok and beyond.

Kubbco Can Show You How To Get on the For You Page on TikTok Because We’ve Already Done It

Source: NATURLI’Kubbco has helped many brands elevate their TikTok presence, and their success speaks for itself. Whether your goal is to get on the FYP on TikTok, go viral, increase the following, or all of the above, Kubbco will create a one-of-a-kind strategy to make that happen. In 2021, NATURLI’ Foods, a plant-based, dairy-free food company from Denmark, worked with Kubbco to improve their overall TikTok strategy. Within 23 weeks, our team brought their TikTok game to the next level:Total ViewsInteractionsNew FollowersNumber of VideosVideos Over 10,000 ViewsViral Videos (+100,000 Views)6.2 million179,0005,2001124820The paid ads campaign resulted in:

  • 2.9 million views
  • 49,000 interactions
  • More than 1,300 new followers

Kubbco has helped brands like OLAPLEX, essence cosmetics, and Matas reach their TikTok goals. With our bold-thinking team of experts, we can offer you the same experience. Contact Kubbco and learn how we can work our magic to create a unique approach to TikTok for your brand.

Featured image: Solen Feyissa

Malene Hold
Head of TikTok

TikTok and social media expert helping clients leverage the power of viral concepts to grow their businesses.

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